Codes and hints
Hint: Get out of a moving car:
Press Triangle + Up when you drive and jump. You will get out off the car, and your car will drive full speed farther. Note: This cannot be done while the police are chasing you.
Information in this section was contributed by BcB.
You can also jump out of your car when taking a turn. Press Up + Triangle and you will jump out of your car, and it will keep going.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Someone.
Hint: Take a break:
Press Triangle while next to a chair. After your character sits, press the Analog-stick to change the camera angle. Press Triangle to get up again.
Information in this section was contributed by saecadet_88.
Hint: Stop faster:
Press Triangle + Circle. Press Triangle + Square to stop even faster.
Information in this section was contributed by sh14816 and cody schmidt.
Hint: Sharp turns:
Hold Left or Right then press Triangle to make a sharp turn in any direction. U-turns are also easily accomplished this way.
Information in this section was contributed by FranklinRubio.
Hint: Recover flipped car:
Hold Circle and alternately press Left and Right to turn over a flipped car.
Hint: Brake torque:
Hold Circle and then press Square.
Hint: Peel out:
Hold Square + Circle to heat up your tires, then release Square to peel out. Continue to hold Square until the peel out has stopped.
Information in this section was contributed by Raged316.
Hint: Donuts:
Press Circle + Right (Lift) and you can do donuts.
Information in this section was contributed by dickmadore.
Hint: Silent car:
Hold Triangle + Square while in a car.
Information in this section was contributed by Richard L.
Hint: Bail from flipped car:
If your car is flipped or on its side and still moving, press Triangle + Up and you will bail from it. Note: If your car is not moving, you cannot get out and you will wreck.
Information in this section was contributed by Brlj43.
Hint: Trippy view:
Go to any city in take a drive mode at night. Press Select(2) to switch to the second view. Start driving then quickly and repeatedly hit L2 and R2.
Information in this section was contributed by SykoSmurf.
Hint: Quick continue:
If you are being chased by the police in take a ride mode and your car gets wrecked the same time the police lose you, press Up + Triangle about five or six times, and wait five seconds, then press Up + Triangle again. You will get out of the car and can continue the game.
Information in this section was contributed by Viking9848.
Hint: Reset felony meter:
After getting the felony meter raised, make a getaway and get out of the car. Get another car to reset the felony meter before a cop finds you in the same car. The felony meter is always filled when you are in a cop car.
Information in this section was contributed by Rashad Burnett.
Hint: Longer time for mission:
To get longer time for a mission, hold X just before the "Loading, please wait..." screen appears. Keep it held until the mission starts. You will have more time to finish your objectives. This is especially helpful for the mission in which you chase Jones' assassin.
Information in this section was contributed by dude600.
Hint: Invincibility, immunity, and all cars:
Successfully complete the game in the undercover mode.
Information in this section was contributed by Matthew Paul Lynch.
Hint: Chicago: Steal a police car:
Go to Grant Park and go around that location. The police car is on the side of the park. Get out of your vehicle and steal the police car in the same way that you would steal any other vehicle. It is also easy to steal a police car in the Havana level.
Information in this section was contributed by Khairunnisa Nadiah.
Hint: Chicago: Stopping police cars:
When a police car is coming in front of you, hit it dead center in the front. If you hit them hard enough, they will be finished off in one or two hits. Be careful hitting too many police cars with the same car will kill you easily.
Information in this section was contributed by Austin Smith.
Hint: Chicago: Parked police car:
Go to Wrigley field and look around the park. At one of the corners of the street you will find a parked police car. Note: Your felony bar will be at max.
Information in this section was contributed by Iamtaz3.
Hint: Chicago: Crazy police car:
In the take a ride mode, have two police cars chase Tanner to the drawbridge with an area on the side of one of the openings of the bridge. This area should have buildings on one side and the river on the other side. There is plenty of room to drive around. When you find the place, you should see a police car roadblock on the opposite side of the river from where your car and the two police cars are located. Destroy one of the police cars and leave the other alone. After the first car is destroyed, get out of that area and lose the other car. As soon as you hear the "We've lost him" message, get out of your car into a different one. Drive to the same drawbridge that you were near when you destroyed the first car. Get out of your new car and walk to the middle of the bridge. The other police car will follow you as you are walking, and run circles trying to run you over. However it cannot harm you because you are not in a car. The police car will only stop when it wrecks itself.
Information in this section was contributed by JRATLIFF1.
Hint: Chicago: Losing police:
When you are being chased by the police near Navy Pier, go there and try not to crash. Carefully go up on the platform then go on the other side of it. The police will then say that they have lost you. Get out of your car and go to where to police lost you. He will still have his sirens on and will try to ram you, but will goes right through you.
Information in this section was contributed by Pat k.
Hint: Chicago: Steal a fire truck:
Take a left and when you reach an intersection, take a right. Go straight to get to the gas station then turn left. Drive until you get to the end of the road. Turn left or right and drive up and down the street (near the Meig's Field airport) until you see a fire truck.
Information in this section was contributed by K2SK8TER720, WaSHINMAchINE123, and zyther.
When you see the fire truck, press Triangle at its door to enter. Press R1 to activate its siren.
Hint: Chicago: Steal an armored truck:
Steal about seven cars. Then go to Wrigleyville. Take a right at the gas station and you will see an armored truck. Go up to it and press Up.
Information in this section was contributed by Smokey.
Hint Chicago: Steal a delivery truck:
Go to the highway and you will usually find a delivery truck there. If it leaves the screen, you will not be able to get it until another one drives by.
Information in this section was contributed by Chirduderom.
Hint: Chicago: Secret car:
Head north and go to the Wrigleyville area and find Wrigley Field. Go to the northwest end of the ballpark. Park your car, get out. walk over to where it says "Tickets" and press Triangle. A secret area located in the southeast corner of the ballpark will open. Return to your car, drive around to the southeast corner, and drive through the now opened gate and into the ballpark. Drive over to the ramp, get out of your car, walk up the ramp, turn right, and follow the walkway to the secret car.
Information in this section was contributed by Don Athman, Michael Bacon, Zell2223, k.strong, and Ryan o'doherty.
Hint: Chicago: Get a lot of air:
Drive straight in the Chicago level until you reach a draw bridge. Backup and go up at full speed before the draw bridge goes up too high.
Information in this section was contributed by Rashad Burnett.
Go to Navy Pier on the east side of the map. Drive to the Ferris wheel on the west side; there is a ramp to get up there. Start from the road and go.
Information in this section was contributed by Climb1019.
Start the game in take a ride mode in Chicago and choose one of the faster cars. When the game starts, wait for about two seconds before blasting forward (north) as fast as possible. Do not hit anyone or slow down and you will reach the drawbridge as it is going up. True "Blues Brothers" air time will follow. After landing, keep hauling -- turn left at the next street, go to the second street over, and turn left again. You should be able to hit another drawbridge just as it is coming up. To get more air time, go to the east side (Navy Pier) where the amusement park is located. On the north end of the park, there is a ramp that you can drive up to get to the Ferris Wheel. Get a big running start at that ramp from outside the park boundaries and you will nearly land in the lake.
Hint: Chicago: Fall off a bridge:
Drive onto the gray bridge and park in the middle of it. When its starts to shake, get in your car. In a few seconds, you will fall off.
Information in this section was contributed by Samuel Sears.
Hint: Chicago: Unlimited time in survival mode:
When you start, hold Circle + Right to do a 180 and head behind you. Straight back and to the left are some trees. Weave in between them to slow down pursuing cops. When you get to the buildings, turn down the small alley to the left and head back out towards the road you started on. Watch out for a cop that is near the road sometimes. Go right down the road, over a bridge, and left into the warehouse area. Once inside and without cops immediately behind, you will be safe -- no more can re-spawn in here. Note: This is extremely hard and may take a couple of tries to accomplish.
Information in this section was contributed by Jensen Chris.
Hint: Chicago: Reset felony level and fix damage on secret car:
After you unlock the secret car in Chicago, if you have too much felony drive to the tickets counter and press Triangle as you did before. When you find and get into the car again you will not have any felony and any damage will be fixed.
Information in this section was contributed by Michael and Aero10Mike.
Hint: Chicago: Drive on two wheels:
Drive the secret car at full speed. Hold Circle then hold L1 and turn to either the left or the right. When the car starts to slide sideways, lock up the brakes by holding Triangle + Square. This should lift the two tires on the inside of the spin off the ground. Once this happens, stop turning the front wheels and quickly get off the gas before the car rolls over. Once on the wheels, not the side of the car, balance the car by steering, and slowly accelerate to drive along. This is difficult to do, but it is possible to drive like this for 15 or 20 car lengths with some practice.
Information in this section was contributed by Kyle.
Hint: Havana: Secret car:
Drive towards the tunnel located at the west end of the city. Just before the tunnel is a road on your left. Drive to the end of the road to reach a wall. Turn right and about one third of the way down, you will find the switch next to some trees on your right. Get out of your car, walk up to the switch, and press Triangle to open a secret area. Get back into your car, turn around, and head back to the road you just came off. You will see that the gate is now open. Drive in and down, ignoring the left turns. Keep driving to the end, then turn right and follow it down, making continuous left turns. When you get to the bottom, turn left again then right, and left once more. Follow that tunnel down to the end to find the secret car on a risen platform. You will see the switch on the right of the platform, on the wall. The secret car is the Mr. Bean car.
Information in this section was contributed by Don Athman, Michael Bacon, and joreilly.
Go to the secret car area. Do the same as you would to get the car as normal, except go past the opening on the road to the corner. You will see the point you get to after obtaining the car. Go down it, and you will be in the secret car area. Note: If it does not work at first, enable the "Invincibility" cheat and try again.
Information in this section was contributed by CheatMaster.
Hint: Havana: Bail from car:
This trick works best with the secret car in Havana. If you are drive really fast and turn a corner, make sure you get out of the car before it flips. If it does flip, do not get back in.
Information in this section was contributed by jeralds.
Hint: Havana: Drive on the roof:
Go to one of the islands. Once there, look on your map and find a gray area. If you do not see it, you are on the wrong island. Go to the area, and it should be a fort complete with cannons. Go to the end of the road to find a wall with two ramps facing sideways to you. Drive up one. On the right, you should see a small building on the ground. Drive through the opening and land on the roof.
Hint: Havana: Ride a wheelie:
Choose the Mini Cooper and while holding Circle, run into a pole by the headlight. If done correctly you should be able ride a wheelie as long as Circle is held. Note: You will have no control while doing this. Do not attempt this while being chased by the police.
Information in this section was contributed by ItsdaMTL.
Hint: Havana: Steal a bus:
Go to Capitollo and drive around the blocks. Eventually you will see a large civilian type bus. Be careful as it can be destroyed quickly if it gets hit in the side hard. If you a police car head-on with the bus, it will go flying across the street.
Information in this section was contributed by Whitman Ball.
Hint: Havana: Coach:
Go to the castle area or the start of the tunnel main area (land side) to find a coach. Press Triangle at its door to enter.
Hint: Havana: Disable police car:
Get The Bobtail and speed, then turn around and run right into his front end.
Information in this section was contributed by samuelsears.
Hijack a truck and hit a police car head on at full speed to instantly take it out.
Information in this section was contributed by cmayne.
Hint: Havana: Get rid of police cars:
Go to the ferry and park just besides the ramp on the ferry side. When the cops are chasing you, they should jump the ramp and fly into the water. They should drive around below the ferry for a short while before dying. Leave your car on the ferry because there will be a roadblock in the warehouse.
Information in this section was contributed by dmvirtue.
Hint: Havana: Steal a police car:
Get chased by the police at least once. Then, drive around where you started. Look for a parked police car. Get out of your car and get into the police car by pressing Triangle + Up. Your felony bar will rise, and you will be chased by the cops more easily. You can activate the sirens by pressing R1.
Hint: Havana: More time in survival mode:
When you start, go straight and slightly to the left weaving between some trees (to slow down pursuing cops). You are aiming for the monument on the hill ahead. You should cross the road and climb the hill to it, just next to the left edge. Brake half way up and stop at the top. The following cops will launch over your car repeatedly. Stay close to the left edge of the platform or they will hit the tower in the middle and fall on you.
Information in this section was contributed by Jensen Chris.
When you start, go straight and slightly to the left weaving between some trees (to slow down pursuing cops). You are aiming for the monument on the hill ahead. You should cross the road and climb the hill to it, just next to the left edge. Brake half way up and stop at the top. The following cops will launch over your car. When they are on the other side, head off the left side of the platform and into an alley. Quickly turn left in the alley around the dumpster and follow the edge of the wall down to the corner. Stay at this location. The cops will try to get to you and may do so after some time. However, if you were fast enough, they will get stuck outside the alley or on the other side of the dumpster.
Information in this section was contributed by Jensen Chris.
Hint: Havana: Felony that can be taken away:
To get a felony that can be taken away go to Havana, and get the van. Follow a police car while honking. If done for a long enough time, the felony meter will rise just a little bit. It will rise even more if honking continues. To get rid of the felony, just drive around obeying the laws. If the felony meter starts to flash it cannot be lost.
Information in this section was contributed by Ryan.
Hint: Havana: Do a willy:
Get the secret car in Havana. When a cop taps you in the front end, hold Circle.
Information in this section was contributed by pspra.
Hint: Havana: Cat walk with the secret car:
Start take a ride mode in Havana and use the secret car. Drive up to a wall head on at a normal speed. After hitting the wall, press Circle to make the car go on the back two wheels. The car will stay like this until the wheels stop peeling. This looks best during replays. After doing this, try it off the back of other cars on the road at high speeds.
Hint: Las Vegas: Secret car:
Take the first right turn and follow it down. Turn left to go to the Tropicana area. Turn right at the second street, then take the first left turn. Follow the "S" curve and stop at the crosswalk. Look left to see a gate and a building. Follow that building with the four cones in front of it. At the end of the building is an opened gate. Turn in there and you will see the switch next to the fence at the end of the building. Get out of your car and walk over to the switch. Press Triangle to open the gate you first saw. Get back in your car and drive around into the now open area. The secret car will be behind the building in front of you. The secret car is the Mr. Bean car.
Information in this section was contributed by Don Athman and joreilly.
The secret car is a Ute.
Information in this section was contributed by joreilly.
Hint: Las Vegas: Secret area:
After unlocking the secret car, go to the street and turn left to get back on to it. Take that street to the end and turn right. Follow this street to the next intersection and turn left. When you turn left, you will see a building, a fence and a wall. Between the wall and the next building is where you turn to go to the secret area.
Information in this section was contributed by Don Athman.
Hint: Las Vegas: Invincibility cheat:
Go to Take a Ride mode and choose Las Vegas. When you start, take the first right and stay on this road. Keep going until you pass Flamingo Road. If you are facing south look to your left. There will be a white building with red trim with "Dollar Slots" there. To the left of the sign is a store called "Wiley's Pharmaceuticals". The switch is in front of the "99 Cents" sign. Walk up to it and press Triangle. The cheat will be unlocked in the secrets screen under the game play options. When the confirmation message appears, exit the game, go to "Options", then select "Gameplay", then "Secret". Select "Invincibility" to activate the cheat.
Information in this section was contributed by ILDA CAETANO, MnM05, HLjake, Michael Bacon, and k.strong.
Hint: Las Vegas: Lose the police:
While driving in Las Vegas, down mid-Strip, you will see that there are walkways that go up and over the road to the other side. If you are getting chased by the police and you come across one of these, jump it smoothly. At the very least you will gain a few seconds on your pursuers. However, most of the time the police will crash into each other trying to go up it, or they will run into one of the walls on the sides of the steps.
Information in this section was contributed by Cody Havel.
Hint: Las Vegas: Find Ambulance easily:
As soon as you start the game, select the map and look for downtown. Drive to downtown till you reach the center. Once there, you can find ambulances in abundance. You can even encounter them at the entrance to downtown.
Information in this section was contributed by Arif Hussain.
Hint: Las Vegas: Steal an ambulance:
Make a U-turn when you start and go straight. Take the fourth turn on the right. Drive up and down that road (airport area at the top of the map) until you find an ambulance.
Information in this section was contributed by Joe Derringer.
Press Triangle at the ambulance door to enter. Press R1 to activate the siren. Note: A white limousine may appear instead of the ambulance, depending on the choices made during the game.
Hint: Las Vegas: Flip the ambulance:
Unlock all the cheat codes, go to Las Vegas, and choose "Invincibility" and "Immunity". Select an ambulance as your car. Go to a and try to drive off so that you flip the vehicle on its side. Once the ambulance is on its side, get into any other vehicle and ram into the ambulance. Make sure that you only hit the roof. The ambulance and your car should fly through the air, and spin and flip about.
Information in this section was contributed by Kyle.
Hint: Las Vegas: Steal a semi:
Get the limousine in the casino area and drive it to the drive-in movie. Go to the small projection building and press Triangle. You will get a semi in take a ride mode.
Information in this section was contributed by Lilgman13.
Hint: Las Vegas: Ring doorbell and enter garage:
Select take a ride mode and Las Vegas. Go to Lakeside. When you find a large tan house, a white garage door, a red roof, with four doors together, press Triangle and you will hear the door bell ring.
Information in this section was contributed by Nick J.
Walk up to the right side of the garage door and press the button. The garage door will open and you can go inside.
Information in this section was contributed by Tom.
Hint: Las Vegas: Opening garage:
Go to the lower Strip and drive to the bottom left. Go through the little path and turn left. Find the garage with a button on the right side. Press Triangle and it will open.
Information in this section was contributed by NurseMarlostat.
Hint: Las Vegas: Good survival mode time:
To get a very good time in survival mode in Las Vegas, find a bridge that takes people from one sidewalk to another. Drive up the stairs and turn so that you are in the middle of it. Just wait there while the police figure out how to follow. Once they are up on the bridge with you, it will be hard to get down because them hitting you. You should receive a great time if you are lucky. It takes the police some time to find you.
Information in this section was contributed by OmegaJCC.
Hint: Las Vegas: Good survival mode points:
Go to the lion statue and let a police car knock you over the garage. This may take a few times, but when you do this, you will get a high score.
Information in this section was contributed by Scott Strange.
Hint: Las Vegas: Doing tricks:
Go to the ghost town. Go towards the outer part of the town. You should find a bridge with train tracks. This area has hills, pyramids of barrels, and other things. You can 4X4 and do other cool things in this area.
Information in this section was contributed by Rusty Michael.
Hint: Las Vegas: Easy car flipping:
Go to the ghost town in to the north in Las Vegas. Drive on the dunes, lots of speed, and drive up a sand dune at a slight angle. As soon as your car goes flying, bail out. It should fall right through the ground. After it pops up and bounces a few times, it should either lay on its side or be balanced on its roof.
Information in this section was contributed by Oregonboy165212.
Hint: Rio: Secret game:
Turn your car around, follow the street to the end, and turn right. Follow this next street to the end, and turn right. After you turn right, there will be some buildings to your right/ At the end of those buildings is a fenced in area. Follow the fence, stop at the last section, and look left. You will see the switch next to the building. Turn your car around and park. Get out of your car and walk over to the switch. Press Triangle to open a secret area. Get back into your car and follow the fence. About half way down you will see two rows of palm trees. That is the entrance. Drive in to reveal the secret game, around the back of the building. This secret game can also be unlocked by winning the Undercover mission.
Information in this section was contributed by Don Athman and Justin M Diaz.
Hint: Rio: Secret game two:
When you leave the first secret game, turn right and back onto the street. Follow that street and take the third left turn. Follow this next road and take the second exit. At the end of the off-ramp, make a U-turn and follow the street between the on and off ramps. Follow this street past the first right turn and to the fence. The switch is on your right, next to the fence. This secret game can also be unlocked by winning the Undercover Mission.
Information in this section was contributed by Don Athman.
Hint: Rio: Immunity cheat:
You start by facing the interstate. Make a U-turn and go the other way. Turn right at the third street, which will take you past the big lake. Immediately after the lake is an intersection. Turn left there to find a building with a garage door and a regular door. That building should have barbed-wired fence at the top of it. To open the door, you need to go to the huge building to the right . It is black with white windows. There is a door on the very left side of this building, which is facing the other building you are trying to open. Push Triangle at that door and to unlock the immunity cheat for no police. To access this cheat, select "Game Settings", then "Cheats" at the options screen.
Information in this section was contributed by MnM05 and Michael Bacon.
In a level in Rio, you are required to steal a cop car from the impound. Go to the same area in Take a Ride mode. Opposite the roller door where you drive out, there should be a side of a building. Go up to it. There will be three doors at that location. Go up the left one and press Triangle. a message should appear stating that you have unlocked a cheat. Pause game play and exit Take a Ride mode. Go to "Game Settings" on the option menu and go to "Cheats". "Immunity" should now appear.
Information in this section was contributed by gibbo1.
Hint: Rio: Secret car:
Look at the very top of the map and find a part of the road that winds upwards like the following:
While traveling on this curved area, search for a switch on the north side. Use it to open a passage to the area behind the fence. Cruise around to get back there to find a blue semi.
Information in this section was contributed by trdabe, Luke Conley, and joreilly.
Hint: Rio: Fire truck:
Go to to Lagoa Radrigo de Freitas (lake) and go around to find a Fire truck. Press Triangle at its door to enter. Press R1 to activate its siren. Note: A black limousine may appear instead, depending on choices made in the game.
Hint: Rio: Steal a police car:
Will face the interstate when you start. Make a U-turn and go the other way. Turn right at the third street, which will take you past the big lake. Immediately after the lake is an intersection. Turn left, go to the second street, and turn right. The police car should be at your right, parked. Get out of your car and steal the police car. Your felony will be the at the highest, so be careful.
Hint: Rio: Stop the hitman:
When you have to stop the hitman in Rio, get in your car as fast as possible and drive to the road he turns on to. Get right in front of him and do not press the gas. Just steer as he pushes you and he will die in a matter of seconds.
Hint: Save Jones:
To stop the hit man quickly and easily, hit him into the water. Follow the quickest route to the water, near the 90 degree corner. If you are fast enough, you will get there at the same time or a slightly before the hit man turns the corner and comes toward you. Hit him on an angle, and try to drive him over the beach into the water. He will quickly get stuck, and you will have stopped him without having to chase him all over town.
Hint: Avoid police chases:
Drive like you are one of the city cars and the police will not follow you unless you hit a car or building.
Enable the "Invincibility" cheat. If you are in a van or a slow vehicle and the police are too fast, turn around and head straight into them. Try to crash them. If done correctly, your map will go white and you will be free.
Steal a fire truck and the police will not chase you. If you hit any poles, cars, or anything he will chase you.
If you are in a slow car, try to find a hidden driveway . If you hide in it , the cops cannot find you and they should eventually crash and wreck.
If you are not being chased , but you want to be protected , look for an armored truck. It should be bluish/gray. Also try getting school buses,
You can avoid police chases by acting normal, and not doing anything you should not.
When going the wrong way on a highway ramp, get a few cars in a traffic jam and go through. Go and do not stop on the highway. Note: You will get slightly damaged.
Hint: Stealing police cars:
Usually when you see a police car, it also will appear on the map. If you see a police car that does not appear on the map, you can steal it.
Hint: Flying police car:
When being chased by a cop, go very fast and get behind a car. Let the cop hit you. You will hit the car, bounce back, hit the cop, and the police car will go flying. Note: This must be timed correctly with enough speed.
Hint: Destroying police cars:
In take a ride mode in any city, when being chased by cops move very close to a pole, tree, or another car. The pole works the best. The cops will most likely hit them, especially if they are close behind you. They seem to veer off to the right slightly. Once they smack into something and you keep going, most likely they will lose you. If not, repeat the trick. If done correctly, press R2 + L2 to look behind you to see the cops crash into the object. Practice is required for this trick. Also enable the "Invincibility" cheat to make it easier.
Hint: Avoid roadblocks:
To get past a police roadblock, just drive on the sidewalk.
Hint: Take a ride mode: Getting out of wreck:
If you total your car in take a ride mode, you can get out of it if there are no cops in pursuit.
Hint: Take a ride mode: More cars :
As you steal and use various cars throughout the game, they will be unlocked in the Take A Ride mode. This includes fire trucks, buses, police cars, etc.
Hint: Take a ride mode: Secret car:
Unlock the secret car in any level. When the "You have unlocked the secret car" message appears, pause game play and exit. At the main menu, enter the game options, select "Save settings", and save a new file for the secret car. Whenever you start the game, remember to load the saved settings. Note: When ever you save a car, make sure there is a separate file for each car. The secret car is a black and yellow striped sports car.
Hint: Checkpoint mode:
In checkpoint mode, you can speed, run red lights, and do anything that would normally get you arrested, without having to worry about cops chasing you. You cannot get out of your car and steal another one. The only way you can lose in checkpoint nide is to wreck your car.
Hint: Avoid donuts:
Do not press Circle unless you are on a straight-away. If you turn with holding Circle, you will do a donut.
Hint: Bootleg move:
When a cop is pushing you sideways through grassy terrain, hold Circle button to do a 180 and face in the opposite direction. You can ditch the cop. This works very well in Havana.
Hint: Get a lot of air:
When you are being chased by the police and you hit any kind of jump, look behind you. Wait directly on top of the police car's shadow. When he lands on you, he will go flying and you will be shuffled to the side. You can do the same trick onto parked cars, but you have to bail out of your car or else you will just hit them.
Hint: Cop destroys your car while you are outside:
Enable the "Invincibility" cheat, and get chased by a cop until they make a road block. Do not hit any cop cars in the road block. Destroy the cop car that was chasing you earlier. Your map will flash white, meaning you are not being chased any more. Go up to one of the cop cars in the road block and tap it lightly, then immediately get out of your car. The cop will keep on hitting the car you were in, even though you exited. This may not always work, but may be repeated as many times as needed.
Sometimes the police car will chase you everywhere instead of focusing on your car.
Hint: Scared police:
Note: This trick works best in Chicago. Choose any car, with no cheats enabled. After getting chased by the cops, and once their cars are dead, get out of the car and walk towards the roadblock (if available) before the other cops see you. All of the police will be out of their cars, and will be kneeling down pointing their guns. Walk past the row of cops and look behind you to see that they are now pointing their guns straight at you. If you get too close, they will run away.
Hint: Electric car:
The electric car is blue with a buckskin convertible top.
Hint: No moving cars:
Collect almost every car that can be chosen at the car selection screen. Find a place to put these cars, such as the police station in Rio and the garage in Vegas. When the cars are in a safe place, do not go too far or they will disappear. Once you have collected most of the cars, all of the cars that were driving in the streets will be gone. Also, if you steal a police car, no police will drive in the streets. If you want the cars back, just walk or drive far away from the stolen cars.
Hint: Vibrating car:
Crash a car into a building or object. Then get into another car, hold Brake and look at the car you just crashed (at a certain spot). If done correctly, the car will start to vibrate.
Hint: Rolling hub caps:
Drive fast and take a sharp turn while braking. You may see a hub cap fall off and start rolling.
Hint: Matrix-type replay:
Select any mode and fly off any ramp or object before the "Out Of Tape" message at the bottom of the screen. Select "End mission" and then go to "Camera Director". Go to the scene where you jumped off and pause it in mid-air. Choose the "Rotate camera" option and rotate the camera. Rotate it slightly horizontally then play the scene for one second. Keep doing that until you hit the ground. Rewind to the beginning and watch your Matrix-type scene.